In spring, grasses and flowers begin to revive, releasing copious amounts of pollen into the air and bringing misery for many allergy and asthma sufferers. Seasonal allergies keep many people indoors in hopes of avoiding pollens. Indeed, staying indoors does reduce one’s exposure, particularly if electrostatic air intake filters are used to keep the indoor environment clean.
When going outdoors, remember that pollen levels are highest in the morning, and gradually subside as the day goes on. For those who are not willing or able to stay indoors, prescription antihistamines, decongestants, and anti-inflammatory medications help to reduce symptoms. Immunotherapy (allergy shots) reduce the body’s sensitivity to allergens over a period of time.
Accurate diagnosis is important before getting treatment. During the spring months, both tree and grass pollen is widespread. Additionally, allergic reactions resulting from freshly cut lawns can be attributed to both grass pollen allergies and mold allergies.
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